Sindarin -> Classes -> Quiz 3
Quiz 3

1) The adjective:

A) What are the endings that we can find for adjective?
______    ______    _______    ______

b) Name an adjective that can be a noun as well

c) Do the plurial of this adjective:
Malen = _________

2) The Verb A-stem

a) Do the infinitive:
Lacha = ________

b) The present tense:

Bronia = 1 per sg ________
Harna = 2 per pl.________

c) The Future tense:

Esta = 1er per pl. __________

d) The Imperative

Dara = ________

e) The active participle:

Erha =

f) Perfective active participle:

Hwinia = ________
Siria = __________
Beria = _________
Elia = __________
Banga = ________

g) How do we do the past participle ?


h) the gerund is formed by adding (place a X beside your answer)

1) –d _____
2) –en _____
3) –el _____
4) all this answer _____



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